Teaching Poetry
I’ve never taught Poetry before, but some of the poems
I’ve read by my 2nd year students about the environment has inspired
me to do something with them about environment.
The smoke from the buses, trikes, other vehicles makes the city feel
like we have a coal plant here in Olongapo, which might happen too. To be continued about the Coal plant. But back to the students, I would like to
take them to my friend’s site in Subic to learn about how to keep an area clean
and my friend would bring some of the students from his community to my
school. Going to Bob's site would be an environmental
camp, but it’s just in the preliminary stage now. However, I think the students would
enjoy this immensely. I’ll keep you
posted on the status of this.
As mentioned before, I journeyed to my friend Bob’s site in Subic (which requires a half hour jeepney ride) and hiked up a mountain. Below are some of the photos from that day. His site is on farmland and reminded me of my training site in Dinalupihan, which I’ll be visiting again during New Years.
This is the view from on top. Don't worry, I haven't grown a blue tooth, that's just the camera.
Game 3 gone & forgotten
We lost game 3 by 20. Ouch!! I bought the players some munchkins from
Dunkin Doughnuts for their effort.
However, I should’ve waited, there’s another game for 3rd
place going to happen soon. The game was
supposed to take place on Friday, but was postponed due to rain. I don’t know when this will take place
Red Cross 5K Run
Last Sunday I ran in a 5k run for the Red Cross and it
was fun course, but like everything around here it started late, two hours
late. Luckily, we still got started at
7am and I was home by 7:30 in time for breakfast. Below are pics from the run.
To the left are two guys I don't know. The girl in front is Chelsey, who is now 12. That day was her birthday. In back is her Uncle and Barangay Kapitan Randy Sionzon with his son on the far right.
In the photos above are my students. The first photo on your left is Abigail & Patricia from my I-5 class. The photo to the right is Symon & Joseph from my I-6 class.
The fellow standing next to me is Olongapo City Mayor James 'Bong' Gordon. This Tuesday I will finally get to sit down with him along with three other PCVs to talk about our assignment here for the next 22 months. This photo was after the race.
Moving Out
As I mentioned above, this is my last week with my host family. I’ll
miss them, but it will be nice to be on my own.
Everyday when I come home from school regardless of the time, I hear the song, "Teach me how to Dougie." If you don't know the song, consider youself lucky. On Saturday, I move in to my apartment just several blocks from
here. I’ll be riding my bike every day
to school. Lunar Eclipse
Did anyone see it last night? I did for a little bit, but it was very cloudy where I am at, so I didn't have the best view. At times it looked like a glow n the dark ball, and that was a great sight. Let me know in the comments section what it looked like in your part of the world. Until next post, ingat na.
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